SO what is digital marketing . it mean that the promotion of brand to connect potential customers using the internet and other digital communication . 

But when we say that " digital marketing " we're talking about facts including email marketing search engine optimization ( SEO )  , social media , content writing , and paid advertising now how can you monetize this ? 

there are numerous ways , so we're going to focus on some of the more powerful ones.

So why i am telling about digital marketing ?

a digital marketing specialist s average earn in india 5000$. same as u.s.a $66,435 / year.
so it mean a we can earn a very good amount of money from this hence it is good source of income .

info about digital marketing.

How to earn 

Selling your goods and service online can any day make you earn money through digital marketing. there are many way to earn from digital marketing. few or useful way are to earn are content writing , paid social media ads , email marketing , affiliate marketing so on .. list must go on but this are which you find at top of list.

content writing 

content writing involves publishing different forms of online communication like blog,articles,news pieces, landing pages , product reviews and video transcriptions.
content helps customer understand what the product or service that you're selling is all also promotes thought leadership,trust.and authority with the brand that published it. 

mean if you want to earn money you had to give your effort and time to establish a base and start earning.which you have a base and trust that build a trust traffic that there are more no of returning audience.and then you have a stable audience.

paid social media ads. 

"Social media dead" you might be saying.False! false on all count!
has social media gotten more competitive, more challenging , more saturated over time ? of course. can  you still monetize it? again, of course.

understand your audience persons and craft a social advertising campaigns on platform with this essential guide.

so if we making that a lot so i advise a blog site called search engine journal.
here is  a link use it to direct to journal.

Email marketing.

Email marketing is a powerful marketing channel, a form of direct marketing as well as digital marketing , that use email to promote your business;s product or service.and example  each individual email leads to a specific cell to action i.e. getting users to sign up book ,book a call continue reading , or add a product to there cart 
ik it hard to understand by word so here is a pic to know
more about email marketing.  more   

affiliate marketing 

affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third party publisher to generate traffic  or lead to company's product and services.the  third  party publisher are affiliates and the commission fee incentivize them to find ways to promote the company .

what learn more about affiliate marketing 

they are lot of way to learn about affiliate marketing but i also wrote a blog on affiliate if this blog help you so please that blog once. and you can earn from that to if you grow then you make branches of advertisement that it become digital marketing . 

Why is digital marketing important in this era?

Digital marketing has become essential in this era for several reasons:  

  1. Growing Digitalization: With the increasing use of the internet, social media, and mobile devices, digital marketing is the most effective way to reach a wide audience. According to a report by We Are Social, over 4.9 billion people use the internet worldwide, and this number is increasing every day. 
  2.  Targeted Advertising: Digital marketing allows businesses to target specific demographics and interests. This level of personalization enables businesses to create customized advertising campaigns and provide relevant content to their target audience, leading to better engagement and conversions. 
  3.  Cost-effective: Traditional marketing channels such as print, radio, and TV advertising can be costly. Digital marketing, on the other hand, provides cost-effective channels such as email, social media, and search engine optimization (SEO), which can be more affordable and produce higher ROI.
  4.   Measurable Results: Digital marketing provides measurable results, allowing businesses to track the success of their campaigns and optimize them based on data. This helps businesses make informed decisions and allocate resources more effectively. 
  5.  Level Playing Field: Digital marketing provides small and medium-sized businesses with an equal opportunity to compete with larger businesses. With a well-executed digital marketing strategy, businesses of all sizes can increase their visibility, generate leads, and grow their brand online.





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