What Is Email Marketing



 Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves sending commercial messages, promotional content, or newsletters to a group of people via email. The primary goal of email marketing is to build a relationship with customers or potential customers, promote brand awareness, and drive sales.

  1.   Email marketing can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:
  2.   Lead generation: Email marketing can help businesses generate leads by capturing email addresses from website visitors or through other means and sending them targeted emails to nurture them into becoming customers. 
  3.  Customer retention: Email marketing can be used to keep existing customers engaged and informed about new products or services, special offers, and promotions. 
  4.  Brand building: Email marketing can help businesses build brand awareness by sending informative and engaging content that educates subscribers about their products and services. 

 Email marketing campaigns can be automated or sent manually, and they can be personalized to target specific demographics, interests, or behaviors. Effective email marketing requires a clear strategy, a targeted audience, engaging content, and regular tracking and analysis of email campaign metrics to measure effectiveness.


SO let see how to start a email marketing .But let see what is the basic need to setup a email marketing thing .  So you need or follow these thing and then you can go for it . 
  • Choose an email marketing service provider
  • Gather contact for your email marketing list 
  • Add your contact into your email marketing account 
  • Setup you welcome email 
  • Create a reusable email template 
  • Patrice writing persuasive message 
  • Spend time on subject lines
  • Preview and test before you send 
  •  Send your email ( at best time) 
  • track your result    
I got from this info from this .info 

Device you need for this for this 
A device where you can setups youmail account the you needed a hubspot is one of the best you can for it. 


SCALE  up  your work as far as you want. Like an agency if you can go for it.If you doing it as a main stream of income . so you can do it otherwise you have to stay where you can are and have a stable income and a good source as you want to do. 

  if you want you can go for it . Few question you think after this 

: How much does an email marketing agency charge?
ANS : If you want to know how much agencies charge for email marketing, here is your answer: an email marketing agency charges between $250 to $700 per email. The email marketing agency cost will include: Email marketing strategy

: How much does it cost to hire an email marketer?
ANS: Most agencies charge a rate of $100 – $200 per hour. On average, you can expect to spend around $2,500 per month. If you're a small business, new to email marketing, it may seem smart to not outsource your email marketing to an agency because of the costs

: How much should I charge for email marketing freelance?
ANS:If you charge by the hour, your rate will depend on your experience level and the complexity of the project. Generally speaking, hourly rates for email marketing freelance work range from $25 to $100 per hour

SO go for it and take few week to setup and give you a result that you want. 

Email Marketing Remains Relevant

In the age of social media, it's tempting to write off email. However, there is statistical evidence that it remains an important aspect of marketing efforts. For instance:

  • Experts with the email marketing company Litmus estimate that email marketing returns an average of $42 for every $1 spent.1
  • One survey found that 59% of respondents were influenced by email when it came to purchasing decisions.2
  • A study of more than 1 billion shopping sessions in 2019 found that email marketing has a conversion rate of 2.3%, compared to 1% for social media.3

One huge advantage of email over social media is that customers are more likely to see an email than social media. Just posting something on social media doesn't mean that everyone you want to see your message will see it. However, an email will sit in an inbox until it's read (or deleted). 

Ideally, email marketing should go hand in hand with social media. Adding social media "Like" or "Share" buttons to your marketing emails gives an additional way for customers to connect with your brand. Snippets of positive reviews from social media fans can be included in emails, and social media posts can drive customers to your email newsletters.

Email Marketing Strategies

Effective email marketing takes effort. Here are a few strategies for making the most of your email marketing campaigns.

Build Your Own List

All you're going to do by sending an unsolicited email is turn off most of the people you were hoping to turn into customers. Whether through your website, in your store, or at an event, make it clear when customers are opting in to receiving your emails.

Follow the Law

Email marketers must adhere to the rules of the CAN-SPAM Act. These rules include having a non-deceptive subject line, providing a clear way to unsubscribe, and including your name and address at the end of the emails.

Mix Up Your Messages

Don't just send out ads to buy all the time. Use your emails to build rapport with customers by sharing your expertise or that of others, giving them tips and insights they can value. Share information that lets them know more about you and your company.

Respect Your Subscribers

Treat your list well. Remember that the people you're communicating with have trusted you with their information; they deserve your respect. If you want a chance to convert them from customers to fans and even evangelists for your brand, then make them feel special.

Follow a Schedule

Stick to a schedule if you're doing a newsletter. Sending out an email on the same day (or days) every week will help your subscribers know what to expect from you and when.

Optimize for Mobile

Studies by marketing analysts with the company Litmus have consistently found that just under half of all emails are opened on mobile devices.That means, if your email doesn't display correctly on mobile platforms, half of your audience is going to think you don't know how to properly craft an email.

Good Email Marketing Campaigns

  1. Personalized Emails: Personalization is a key component of any good email marketing campaign. Personalized emails address the recipient by their name and include tailored content that is relevant to the recipient's interests.
  2. Clear Call to Action: A clear call to action is essential in any email marketing campaign. The call to action should be prominently displayed and encourage the recipient to take action.
  3. Mobile Optimization: With the increasing number of people accessing emails on their mobile devices, it is essential that email marketing campaigns are mobile optimized. A good email marketing campaign should be easy to read and navigate on a mobile device, with clear, concise content and appropriate formatting.
  4. Targeted Emails: Targeted emails are a great way to reach a specific audience with relevant content. For example, an e-commerce store could send a targeted email to customers who have abandoned their shopping cart, offering them a discount code to encourage them to complete their purchase.

Bad Email Marketing Campaigns

  1. Too Many Emails: Sending too many emails is a common mistake that many businesses make. Bombarding customers with emails can be overwhelming and lead to them unsubscribing from the mailing list. It is important to find the right balance between staying top of mind and avoiding becoming a nuisance.
  2. Lack of Personalization: A lack of personalization in an email marketing campaign can make the recipient feel like they are just another number on a list. Without personalization, the email may be irrelevant and quickly dismissed. Personalization is key to engaging the recipient and building a relationship with them.
  3. Misleading Subject Lines: Using misleading subject lines is a tactic that should be avoided at all costs. The subject line should accurately reflect the content of the email. Misleading subject lines can damage the trust between the business and the recipient and lead to a decrease in open rates and conversions.
  4. Poor Formatting: Poorly formatted emails can be difficult to read and understand. The email should be easy to navigate with clear headings and appropriate use of images and white space. Poor formatting can lead to confusion and a lack of interest from the recipient.

In conclusion, email marketing campaigns can be an effective tool for businesses to communicate with their target audience. A good email marketing campaign should be personalized, have a clear call to action, be mobile optimized, and targeted. On the other hand, a bad email marketing campaign can include too many emails, lack personalization, have misleading subject lines, and poor formatting.

How many people unsubscribe from Sammy emails after receiving them once?

Let’s directly come up to your question, for unsubscribing from email-marketing campaigns can include variety of reasons:

Such as,

1) Not relevant emails

2) Email frequency is too much

3) Not containing any valuable information so people puts that in spam.

4) The construction of email which is sent.

So, try to focus on these reasons and eliminate as much as you can by working on them.

Hope you find this answer helpful!


Email marketing systems are software platforms designed to help businesses create, send, and manage email campaigns. These systems typically provide a range of tools and features that help businesses build email lists, design visually appealing emails, automate email sequences, analyze campaign performance, and more.

Email marketing systems make it easier for businesses to communicate with their customers and prospects in a more targeted and personalized way. With these systems, businesses can segment their email lists based on various criteria such as demographics, behavior, and interests, and send highly relevant messages to each segment.

Some popular email marketing systems include Mailchimp, Constant Contact, AWeber, HubSpot, and Campaign Monitor. These systems are often used by businesses of all sizes and industries to drive engagement, build brand awareness, and increase sales through email marketing.

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